How to Make / Create Sitemap For Blogger
Hello Guys, My dear sweet visitors I hope you are will be fine, Some people from India send us this question - how to make a sitemap for blogger we need it we search it in google we do not find this question, one person tell us to go to High-program and contact with blogger or comment it, now we come here and we want to share this information with us, when a blogger doesn't have a sitemap this blog will never rank in google or top 10 on google, now we hope to share this information with thanks boos or high program team.
How to Create HTML Sitemap Page in Blogger - 2019:
First, you go to your blogger to create a page for your sitemap then paste this HTML code,
How to Create HTML Sitemap Page in Blogger - 2019:
First, you go to your blogger to create a page for your sitemap then paste this HTML code,
function bloggersitemap(a) {
function b() {
if ("entry" in a.feed) {
var d = a.feed.entry.length;
numberfeed = d;
ii = 0;
for (var h = 0; h < d; h++) {
var n = a.feed.entry[h];
var e = n.title.$t;
var m = n.published.$t.substring(0, 10);
var j;
for (var g = 0; g <; g++) {
if ([g].rel == "alternate") {
j =[g].href;
var o = "";
for (var g = 0; g <; g++) {
if ([g].rel == "enclosure") {
o =[g].href;
var c = "";
if ("category" in n) {
for (var g = 0; g < n.category.length; g++) {
c = n.category[g].term;
var f = c.lastIndexOf(";");
if (f != -1) {
c = c.substring(0, f)
postLabels[ii] = c;
postTitle[ii] = e;
postDate[ii] = m;
postUrl[ii] = j;
postPublished[ii] = o;
if (h < 10) {
postRecent[ii] = true
} else {
postRecent[ii] = false
ii = ii + 1
sortBy = "titledesc";
function sortPosts(d) {
function c(e, g) {
var f = postTitle[e];
postTitle[e] = postTitle[g];
postTitle[g] = f;
var f = postDate[e];
postDate[e] = postDate[g];
postDate[g] = f;
var f = postUrl[e];
postUrl[e] = postUrl[g];
postUrl[g] = f;
var f = postLabels[e];
postLabels[e] = postLabels[g];
postLabels[g] = f;
var f = postPublished[e];
postPublished[e] = postPublished[g];
postPublished[g] = f;
var f = postRecent[e];
postRecent[e] = postRecent[g];
postRecent[g] = f
for (var b = 0; b < postTitle.length - 1; b++) {
for (var a = b + 1; a < postTitle.length; a++) {
if (d == "titleasc") {
if (postTitle[b] > postTitle[a]) {
c(b, a)
if (d == "titledesc") {
if (postTitle[b] < postTitle[a]) {
c(b, a)
if (d == "dateoldest") {
if (postDate[b] > postDate[a]) {
c(b, a)
if (d == "datenewest") {
if (postDate[b] < postDate[a]) {
c(b, a)
if (d == "orderlabel") {
if (postLabels[b] > postLabels[a]) {
c(b, a)
function sortlabel() {
sortBy = "orderlabel";
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
while (b < postTitle.length) {
temp1 = postLabels[b];
firsti = a;
do {
a = a + 1
} while (postLabels[a] == temp1);
b = a;
sortPosts2(firsti, a);
if (b > postTitle.length) {
function sortPosts2(d, c) {
function e(f, h) {
var g = postTitle[f];
postTitle[f] = postTitle[h];
postTitle[h] = g;
var g = postDate[f];
postDate[f] = postDate[h];
postDate[h] = g;
var g = postUrl[f];
postUrl[f] = postUrl[h];
postUrl[h] = g;
var g = postLabels[f];
postLabels[f] = postLabels[h];
postLabels[h] = g;
var g = postPublished[f];
postPublished[f] = postPublished[h];
postPublished[h] = g;
var g = postRecent[f];
postRecent[f] = postRecent[h];
postRecent[h] = g
for (var b = d; b < c - 1; b++) {
for (var a = b + 1; a < c; a++) {
if (postTitle[b] > postTitle[a]) {
e(b, a)
function displayToc() {
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
while (b < postTitle.length) {
temp1 = postLabels[b];
' + temp1 + '
firsti = a;
do {
document.write('' + postTitle[a] + "");
if (postRecent[a] == true) {
document.write(' - New!')
a = a + 1
} while (postLabels[a] == temp1);
b = a;
sortPosts2(firsti, a);
if (b > postTitle.length) {
Now paste your this HTML code on your blogger, remeber it you will select the HTML name then paste it and then publish it.
Now all work is done now your sitemap is created now see your sitemap and your site blogger will bost on your post, your blogger will be in top 10 on google and your site blogger will be soon indeexed on google in every search engine and when you apply for AdSense when you dont add your sitemap they never approve your blogger from AdSense, please add and approve your blogger from AdSense and earn from your blogger.
this is all information about Sitemap, if you have more question please tell us on comment or tell us on conact us this is sample way to conect with and we will share every information you want we will share with, please share our blogger with your friends and your villagers to promote our blogger.
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